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Nicholls Nectar Honey Jar

4th September 2024

Nicholls Nectar - Summer Honey is here!

Calling all honey enthusiasts! Our summer honey is now available.

Just like other seasonal products, our honeys reflect the wildflowers the bees forage at the time of year.

Our runny summer honey flows like liquid sunshine and captures the robust essence of diverse summer blooms. It gleams with deeper golden shades from a wide variety of blossoms.

Our runny summer honey helps elevate your favourite BBQ marinades and adds a touch of sweetness to cold drinks – perfect in the sunshine.

Honey is a testament to nature's beauty and the hard work of our buzzing friends. Let's savour every drop!

Taste it for yourself – available in our online shop.

Nicholls Nectar Honey Jar

Nicholls Nectar Ltd

Nicholls Nectar has been created with a mission to promote the conservation of bees and to create healthy and happy honeybee colonies in the UK.

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