20th February 2025
Here Comes the Sun…Sort of..
This was my start of the December Summary: “As I write just before Christmas the weather, on the whole, remains relatively mild. I can count on one hand the number of frosts so far and there’s not been any sightings of the Beast from The East, it’s been more the Best from the West.”
Well since then nature caught up. For the past 6 weeks temperatures have barely risen above 5decC with only now, at the back end of Feb, are things warming up, sort of.
This has made things difficult in the world of Kent Veg, a lot of crops have been either frost damaged, or at least frozen in situ, meaning supply has been intermittent at times.
Thankfully, we have Thanet Earth and Growup salads, both offering greenhouse salads during these cold months.
But…here comes the Sun so let’s look forward to what is going to arrive in the next 6 weeks or so, assuming the cold spell is in the main, over.
Cauliflower & Cabbages are looking good for the next couple of months with cropping easier in milder weather. There should also be a good crop of Purple Sprouting Broc, as well as Spring Greens coming into season in the next few weeks.
Kales are finishing up now, with Cavolo Nero ending a few weeks ago, it’s Italian heritage not liking the cold so much.
Looking at last year’s arrival timetable, in early March we get the first new growth – Wild Garlic Leaves. They normally arrive a couple of weeks or so before anything else, a real herald for Spring growth.
Late March if the warmth stays, we should see early Spinach and Chard; early growth leaves leading the way.
Early April also sees the return of Peppers from Thanet Earth, demonstrating how to extend the season.
The royalty of local Veg, Asparagus, arrives early April, lasting through until mid June.
The arrivals are all so weather dependent. Things really hot up, in every sense, during April as the Spring salad crops come online and take over from the roots & brassicas.
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We've been delivering Kent veg for over 15 years now, straight from the field to our customers' homes. Simple as that.
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Our deliciously crisp leaves stay fresher for longer. There is no need to wash off any nasties, as we don’t use them. So you can eat them, straight out of the bag! We only grow in the UK, building resilience into the British food ecosystem.
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