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4th April 2023

Kent Produce Update from Kent Veg Box: April at last!

Why do cold months seem so much longer? I swear March lasted for 6 weeks at least. I know the weather people say it was no colder than average but we seemed to be at the average all month! I don’t remember any warm days at all. I remember cold and snow but is that because my heating blew up? Probably.

April is off to a sunny, warm start. As I left this morning, 4/4, there was a bit of frost about, but the sun was burning it off fast.

We need plenty of these days now, raising the soil temp so the new plants can grow rapidly. The sunshine will help ripen the soft fruit too.

In Kent veg terms we now move into a new season, lots of new growth coming on. We move from roots and bulky veg to green and leafy veg.

We are still blessed with Purple Sprouting Broccoli & Spring Greens. A good thing about their delayed arrival due to the snow is that we still have them with us well into April, backed up by the last of the over-wintered Leeks.

New arrivals include Wild Garlic leaves, Rhubarb and Salad Leaves, all leafy and green. In the next couple of weeks we should see Pak Choi, Baby Spinach, Spring Onions and Asparagus continuing the theme.

The big question is always when will Kent’s famous soft fruit arrive?

I’ve looked at our start last year and for Strawberries it was about 19th April, with Raspberries following on a couple of weeks later. Hopefully our friends at Hugh Lowe Farms can hit the same mark this year.

Cauli girl cropped

Kent Veg Box

We've been delivering Kent veg for over 15 years now, straight from the field to our customers' homes. Simple as that.