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Gleaning photo

Kent Gleaning Collective

  • Do you want to help reduce food waste on farms in Kent and get more fresh fruit and vegetables redistributed to those who need it around Canterbury?
  • Do you like to connect with other volunteers who, like you, want to solve a tricky problem?
  • Would you like to spend more time outdoors to clear your head and recharge?
  • Would you like to learn more about the realities of farming?

If your answer is YES to all of the above, then Gleaning is just the volunteer activity for you!

Gleaning essentially means helping Kent growers to clear left-over crops in the field and redistribute these free of charge to food charities, foodbanks and community initiatives.

Membership organisation for local food and drink businesses Produced in Kent and the University of Kent have set up a gleaning group with students and staff volunteers from the university, as well as members of the public.

The gleaning group will glean once a week from September 2023.

Volunteers can join us as often as they want or can.

To sign up, CLICK HERE

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